Folding Boat
Folding Boat
The School of Design, at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, held an annual boat race where students could enter any wacky thing that would float. This was the entry by Steve Hines using two 4×8′ sheets of Masonite. The bottom sheet was used for the bottom and sides, cut on curves and glued together.
The design was tested with single-face corrugated paper which was not up to the job.
The boat was rebuilt using 4×8-ft. Masonite, cut and glued together, with a top sheet added for rigidity.
Durning a 1968 summer internship at General Motors, Steve and fellow intern, Nancy Dunker, folded a boat from a 4×8 ft. sheet of foam core. It was a big hit with the hundreds of employees at the windows, but less so with the security guard.
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