3D-Movie Projection Technique

3D-Movie Projection Technique


     Intermixed left and right frames are projected through a PLZT filter.  This makes it possible to project alternating left and right 3-D footage with a single projector.       Active PLZT glasses shown at 1/48 speed.  At normal speed, the filters appear to both be open.   The system is for an audience wearing active polarized 3-D glasses.   



      The system is for an audience wearing active polarized 3-D glasses.  The frame rate is doubled to eliminate flicker.  



Hines’ original entry in notebook #1, p. 26:

Click to view.


     This technique is not being offered for license by HinesLab but is shown as an example of past innovations.  Please contact Steve Hines with questions.



email: [email protected]

ph. 818-507-5812