Camera Framing Light

Camera Framing Light


      The Camera Framing Light projects frame lines into the scene as a visual reference of the lens’ field of view.  It is ideal for digital cameras without viewfinders (ex.: while setting up surveillance cameras, webcams, police body cams, home-security cameras, GoPro’s, etc.)  

      LED’s surround the image sensor.  The camera is used as a projector while composing the shot.  Just prior to taking the picture, the lights turn off and the camera’s shutter closes before opening again for the normal picture-taking sequence.  


       A surgeon can document a medical procedure, using the projected frame lines to know what was in the field of view, while keeping the attention on the patient, or shooting a YouTube video to repair some device, with a camera with Framing Light mounted over a workbench.  The bright frame lines project down on the workbench, just outside of the camera’s FOV, keeping the device within the camera’s field of view.


Security Cameras Sports Cameras Baby Cams Underwater Cams Police Bodycams


Cameras without viewfinders need the Framing Light.


      The Framing Light is indispensable for pocket cameras and smart phones when sunlight washes out the screen.

Version 2:  The frame lines project from a micro display beside the taking lens.  Parallax errors are eliminated by using the camera’s focus distance to shift the pattern of lighted diodes to converge with the lens’ axis.  


Version 3:  Framing lights can be integrated into the rim of lenses to project the horizontal and vertical fields of view.  The spread angle adjusts when the lens is zoomed.  



      The patent covers a number of versions for any format camera, still or video.  The Framing Light projects frame lines into the scene that match the camera’s field of view.  

      Rather than losing time checking the scene in the camera monitor, work in the subject space seeing exactly what will be covered by the camera lens.  The Framing Light really shines when shooting a complex set, shooting through doors, into mirrors, etc.  


Version 4:  For still and motion-picture cameras.  The Framing Light projects a camera’s field of view into the scene to eliminate the need to return to the camera viewfinder, or monitor to check composition.  The Framing Light can be used in advance of of having the camera, saving time and camera-rental charges.  


      Two identical Framing Lights are supplied in the rental package, and are attached to a cage frame above and beside the lens (optimized for the Arri Cage System 1).  



Parallax error?  (There is none):  

      In spite of the Framing Lights being displaced from the camera lens, there is zero (0) parallax error between the Framing Light and the camera lens, at any distance.  

     When a Framing Light is mounted above the lens, the projected vertical lines align exactly with the sides of the lens FOV.  

     The Framing Light beside the lens, projects horizontal lines exactly at the top and bottom of the lens FOV. 


For more information:

U.S. Patent 9,596,395


Steve Hines’ lab notebook #2, pages 47-50



      HinesLab is actively seeking licensees to commercialize this technology.  Please contact Steve Hines at:





ph. 818-507-5812
email: [email protected]