BiClops 3-D Camera Rig


BiClops 3D-Camera Rig



       The BiClops 3-D rig developed by Steve Hines for shooting large-format for IMAX and Iwerks theaters.

      The BiClops dual-camera rig is a simple, rigid 3-D rig.  Interaxial and convergence adjustments are made manually.  The BiClops rig supports MSM-870 and MSM-9801 15/70 cameras.  Convergence settings are shown on a chart on the rig.


BiClops Features:

  1. Interaxial: 0 – 4.5 in.
  2. Convergence: inf. – 4 ft.
  3. minimum focal lengths: 40mm on 870 & 1570 cameras.


Adapters for:

MSM-870, available from Iwerks Entertainment

MSM-9801, 15-perf, 65mm camera.

Rental Rates: Please contact HinesLab for current pricing


Optional equipment:

      An optional 3-D Video Viewfinder, a 3-D video assist, is also available which provides valuable information when shooting 3D. Color monitors show objects floating off the screen, or breaking frame lines.


3-D Video Viewfinder

monitoring 3-D video playback, recording & synchronized video playback.

3-D Computer


takes the guesswork out of choosing convergence distance after entering lens FL and interaxial.



BiClops on location; “Encounter in the Third Dimension”, Sean Phillips, director.


Filmed with the BiClops:

“Encounter in the Third Dimension” by New Wave Production.


* For further information, see:

Stereo World magazine:

Nov. Dec. 1998, shooting “Encounter in the Third Dimension”, p. 17, 20.


For rental information, please contact Steve Hines at 818-507-5812:





email: [email protected]