Anaglyphic 3-D Conversion
Anaglyphic 3-D Conversion
HinesLab provides stereo and 3-D images in a variety of formats, including color anaglyphic (red/cyan) images. Fringing is negligible, and in many cases the color 3-D image is virtually indistinguishable from a normal full-color 2-D picture.
We offer conversion of your stereo pairs to color anaglyphs at $200/pair + costs. Images should be submitted by email in .psd, .png or .jpg format. Allow two weeks for delivery after receipt of payment. Red/cyan 3-D glasses are available from American Paper Optics.
Samples of stereo photographs converted to color anaglyphic 3-D:

Samples of HinesLab-drawn stereo computer models converted into color anaglyphic 3-D (for the 3-D photo booth):

For more information, please contact Steve Hines at: