3-D Video Viewfinder

3-D Video Viewfinder





    The 3-D Video Viewfinder was developed by Steve Hines to provide valuable depth information when shooting 3D.  Monitors show objects floating off the screen, to avoid breaking frame lines.  By using the remote control with the 3-D Video Viewfinder, the StereoCam can be adjusted until the shot works.

    The eyepieces show the screen at 60 feet, with first row silhouette at 28 feet from the screen.


3D-Video-Viewfinder-02-Bob-Gothro 3D-Video_Vw_Fndr-3_Anim_Around
Bob Gothro, director of “Dreamchaser” monitors a shot, Aug. 2003
On location for a Disney commercial at DisneyWorld, June, 2007



      Switches allow either image to be flipped vertically, or flopped horizontally, therefore the “Left” image from the StereoCam, which sees a reflected image off the beamsplitter appears correct and upright.  The 3-D Video Viewfinder is also a valuable post-production tool, allowing edited L&R film to be transferred to tape for previewing in 3D before printing.

      The 3-D Video Viewfinder is designed as part of the StereoCam dual-camera 3-D motion picture rental package; however, is available with the HinesLab BiClops and Iwerks 870/1570 3-D rig.



  • Video: BNC L&R, in & out, NTSC
  • Audio: RCA L&R in & out, speaker & headphone jack
  • Screen image: apparent 20 ft. wide screen @ 60 ft. distance
  • Vertical adj., monitor image: ±3 scan lines
  • Power requirements: 110 V AC, 60 Hz, 120 W
  • Supplied support frame fits into your Sr. Light Stand



  • It certainly impressed me on the 3D project, my first, that we did.”  Marty Mullin, 3-D DP.


For information, please contact Steve Hines at:






ph. 818-507-5812

email: [email protected]